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Gliffy Diagrams widget allows users to embed either one or multiple Gliffy Diagrams directly within Cosmos dashboard. By incorporating Gliffy, renowned for its powerful diagramming capabilities, users can enhance collaboration and increase the visibility of information.

To display multiple Gliffy diagrams on a Cosmos Dashboard, follow these steps:

  1. Navigate to your Cosmos Dashboard within Confluence.

  2. Open the edit mode, locate and select the option to add a new widget, then choose the Gliffy Widget from the available selections.

  3. Choose the specific Confluence space from which you want to display diagrams. This will populate the widget with all Gliffy diagrams created within the selected space.

Caelor image slider
data{"images":[{"source":"attachments","link":"","id":"att119537726","title":"Multiple Gliffy Diagrams"},{"source":"attachments","link":"","id":"att119046230","title":"Single Gliffy Diagram"}],"title":"Type here...","height":50,"hasTitle":false,"viewType":"autocrop","autoplay":true,"bullets":true,"thumbnails":false,"arrows":true,"roundedCorners":false,"advancedOptions":{"borderRadius":0,"titleAlignment":"left","titleSize":20,"textAlignment":"left","textSize":16},"slideIndex":1,"isLinkDialogOpen":false}

To display multiple Gliffy diagrams on a Cosmos Dashboard, follow these steps:

  1. Navigate to your Cosmos Dashboard within Confluence.

  2. Open the edit mode, locate and select the option to add a new widget, then choose the Gliffy Widget from the available selections.

  3. Choose the specific Confluence space from which you want to display diagrams. This will populate the widget with all Gliffy diagrams created within the selected space.

To embed a single Gliffy diagram on a Cosmos Dashboard, follow these steps:
