This is why our color system is inspired by dawn and dusk. Our Jira products feature red and pink hues evoking dawn, while our Confluence products adopt blue and turquoise tints inspired by dusk. The overarching Caelor layer is typically black and white, but we can also incorporate the dusk or dawn palette with a touch of orange, symbolizing the rising sun and reflecting the essence of Caelor.
Product names and logo’s
Some of the most heard feedback from our amazing partners: it was really hard to memorize our product names. We wanted our product names to be catchier and easier to remember them by, and trust us when we say: this was the most difficult part of the rebranding. All product logo’s are following the same principles as our Caelor logo. The Caelor logo is an abstract ‘C’ made up of basic geometric shapes. Similarly, we take the first letter of each product's name and design a logo using the same shapes and style to maintain a consistent look. And to make it more distinctive and unique, we are not placing them in a square but we will be using the ‘squircle’. It’s a blend between a square and a circle, which offers a smoother and more sophisticated visual