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Welcome to the Shoppie roadmap, a detailed product vision of our app's future development. We are dedicated to transparency, ambition, and responding to our user community's needs. Our roadmap is not just a list of future updates; it's a testament to our commitment to excellence, innovation, and continuous improvement.


This roadmap highlights features we're actively working on, set for release in the next three months. As we continuously learn and adapt, our priorities may change, ensuring we remain responsive and flexible. We're excited to share our current developments and look forward to bringing you these enhancements soon.


We hope this roadmap provides insight into Shoppie's future, but it is for INFORMATIONAL PURPOSES only and not a binding commitment. Please do not rely base business decisions on this information in making business decisions because ultimately, the . The development, release, and timing of any products, features, or functionality remains are at the Caelor's sole discretion of Caelor, and is subject to and may change.

Caelor cards macro v2
summarySuggest a feature, If you've envisioned a feature that could enhance your experience, we'd love to hear about it.


, Suggest a feature, Book a demo, Book a demo today and witness the transformative capabilities of Shoppie firsthand., Book a demo


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Multilanguage support

Shoppie will soon support multiple world languages, enhancing accessibility and providing a seamless shopping experience for users globally. This feature will apply to all aspects of the platform, including the catalog, user interface, and customer support, making Shoppie a truly international platform.

Related products


Improved product details

The details view of each product will be enhanced with high-resolution images, detailed descriptions, specifications, and user reviews. This update ensures customers have all the necessary information to make informed purchasing decisions, enhancing their overall shopping experience.

Related Products

When a user selects an item in the catalog a list of related products that go well with that item will be offered to the user.

Product bundles

Product bundles would allow the agent to create bundle combining multiple items into one product. Think of it like combining a laptop and , Shoppie will suggest related products that complement it, such as accessories or complementary items. This feature helps users find what they need more easily, enhancing their experience and potentially increasing sales.

Product Bundles

Shoppie will allow agents to create product bundles, combining multiple items into a single offering. For example, a laptop can be bundled with a dock or a mouse to go with it.

Issue Panel revamp

An improved version of the Issue Panel offering agents much more control over the order. Declining products, changing order status, importing items to Assets straight from issue view and much more.

Order overview

Enhance the procurement Agent experience by creating a dedicated "Orders" section in the project settings sidebar that empowers JSM agents to efficiently manage and track all orders from the shop. Agents can easily view, process, and monitor customer orders created through Shoppie . This feature simplifies the purchasing process by providing convenient, pre-packaged options, helping agents promote and sell more products through attractive deals and combinations.

Selectable options in product details view

Admins can will have the ability to define specific product attributes as selectable options in the product details view. Based on the primary choice (e.g., choosing a product like selecting a MAC), subsequent relevant attributes (like color or hardware specifications) will become available for selection. Admins have the flexibility to can make certain attributes mandatory or optional. For instance, color can be made a required selection for a MAC purchase.
