Setting up the New Starters widget involves these straightforward sections:
View Type →Choose Opt between card or list layouts views to best fit complement your page's design.
Layout Settings → Specify how you'd like to arrange the widget, including the number of cards per row and the pagination style (options include a show more button, previous/next buttons, or no pagination).
Elements to Display → Similar to the Dynamic Org Charts, you can select which database columns (e.g., position, location) to feature on each new starter's card.
Layout Settings → Define the arrangement with options like the number of cards per row and pagination style (show more button, previous/next buttons, or none).
Items Management → Adjust the 'Items per page' and 'Total number of items' to control content volume.
Data Source Selection → In the Cosmos settings under New Starters, identify and select the database column that records the starting or entry date.
Collections Filter → Utilize Cosmos Collections to fine-tune the display of new starters.