Manual Progress Bar

Manual Progress Bar

Measure your progress on issues with the custom field Progress Bar. This custom field is perfect for project managers and team leads who overlook issue progress. Instead of going into issue details, progress is shown as a filled-in line.

Create and configure the custom field

To create and configure the Progress Bar custom field, you must be logged in as a user with Jira administrator permissions.

  1. Go to Apps β†’ Manage your apps β†’ Fields.

  2. Click on Create custom field button on the right side of the screen.

  3. Select Progress Bar and click Next.

  4. Name and add a description to your field then click Next.

  5. Select a color and click Next.

  6. Associate the field to the appropriate screens and click Create. You must associate a field to a screen before it will be displayed.

  7. To restrict editing access for the Multilevel Select Picker, the Edit Permissions tab is used. Specific users, user groups, and Jira roles can be defined to have editing permissions for the custom field. If editing access is intended for all users, the field should be left empty.

Please note that the create screen has a separate toggle that allows defining whether users without edit permissions can create values in create screens.

Progress Bar JQL queries

CFS - Progress Bar can be used in JQL. It allows you to search for issues that include custom field values. To find issues that include progress bar values enter the "CustomField_Name". Below are a few useful examples.

"CFS - Issue Progress" = 75

Search for all issues with the progress 75%.

"CFS - Issue Progress" != 50

Search for all issues that donΒ΄t have the progress of 50%.

"CFS - Issue Progress" is EMPTY

Search for all issues where the custom field is empty. It is not related on issues where progress is 0%.

"CFS - Issue Progress" is not EMPTY

Search for all issues where the custom field is not empty. It will also filter all issues with the progress 0%.

"CFS - Issue Progress" < 75

Search for all issues with the progress lower than 75%.

"CFS - Issue Progress" <= 75

Search for all issues with the progress lower or eqal than 75%.

"CFS - Issue Progress" > 75

Search for all issues with the progress higher than 75%.

"CFS - Issue Progress" >= 75

Search for all issues with the progress higher or equal than 75%.

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