Nested Tabs

Tabs are UI elements that allow multiple contents within a single window. Tabs are used as a navigation for switching between sets of content. With tabs, it is possible to keep a large amount of data in a much smaller area than you usually need.

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Nested Tabs feature is combining the functionality of Tab Group and Single tab macros. Tab Group macro is used to control the design of all Single Tabs inside, while each Single Tab macro handles its own content.

How to use

Please follow these steps to insert and configure Nested Tabs macro on a Confluence page:

  1. Navigate to the Confluence page you wish to edit or create a new page.

  2. Once in edit mode, either click the plus icon in the navigation bar (insert elements) or press '/' on your keyboard to bring up the macro list.

  3. Type "Optics" in the search bar, then see the Nested Tabs macro from the options displayed.

  4. Start by adding the Tab Group macro to your Confluence page. This macro will serve as the container for your tabs.

  5. Within the Tab Group macro settings, define the design of your tabs. You can customize various aspects such as alignment, width, icons, and colors to achieve the desired visual style.

  6. Once you're satisfied, click Save to add the Tab Group to your Confluence page. If you decide not to proceed, clicking Cancel will cancel the setup without inserting the macro.

  7. After configuring the design settings in the Tab Group macro, proceed to add Single Tab macros within the Tab Group. Each Single Tab macro represents a separate tab in the tab group.

  8. In the Single Tab editor, specify the icon and tab title for each tab. These elements will be displayed on the tab for easy navigation. Any content added beneath the Single Tab macro will be displayed under the corresponding tab in view mode.

  9. Once you're satisfied, click Save to add the Single Tab to your Confluence page. If you decide not to proceed, clicking Cancel will cancel the setup without inserting the macro.

  10. Publish the page.

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What you need to know

  1. Adding Single Tab macro outside of the Group Tab macro will display the error message in a view mode.

  2. You can’t add Tab Group within Tab Group.


All Optics macros are compatible with the Nested Tabs macro.

Content Formatting & Other Atlassian Macros

Nested Tabs Compatibility

Content Formatting & Other Atlassian Macros

Nested Tabs Compatibility

Text formatting

Text styles (headings)

Bullet list

Numbered list

Action items

Will appear as bullet points.



Content embeds will appear as URL’s.




Code snippet

Will appear without numbering.


Will appear as plain text.


Atlassian Panels




Will appear as bullet points.



Activity Stream

Agile Wallboard Gadget

Assigned to Me


Average Age Chart

Average Number of Times in Status

Average Time in Status

Blog Posts

Change History


Children Display

Filter by label

Content Report Table


Contributors Summary

Create from Template

Decision report


Excerpt Include

Filter Results


Heat Map


Include Page

Issue Statistics

Issues in progress

Jira Charts

Jira Issues Calendar

Jira Road Map

Labels Gadget

Labels List


Office Excel

Office Powerpoint

Office Word

Opsgenie Incident Timeline

Opsgenie Incident Timeline EU

Page Index

Page Properties

Page Properties Report

Page Tree

Page Tree Search

Pie Chart

Popular Labels

Profile Picture


Quick links

Recently Created Chart

Recent updates

The “Show more” button is not supported.

Recently Updated Dashboard

Only the “All Updates” tab is supported.

Related Labels

Resolution Time

Roadmap Planner

Shared Links Bookmarklet Button

Spaces List

Sprint Burndown Gadget

Sprint Health Gadget

Starred filters

Table of Content Zone

Table of Contents

Task report

Time Since Chart

Time to First Response

Two Dimensional Filter Statistics

User List

User Profile

The profile picture is not supported.

Version Report

Voted Issues

Watched Issues

Widget Connector

Workload Pie Chart