are the
central hubs
in Shoppie where
filled with
Jira Assets,
are stored. They are
important because. This makes your catalogs flexible and tailored to your needs.
You can create multiple catalogs
for different needs or audiences.
Each catalog can be linked to
specific Jira projects,
making sure it's relevant.
You can also assign different request types to
each catalog, helping users easily find what they need
Click the “Create a catalog” Catalog” button and define fill in the basic details:
Name → It : This will appear in the JSM portal when the shop dialogue opens.
Description → It helps administrators in distinguishing : Helps administrators distinguish between catalogs, especially when there are similarities in their content or purposethey are similar. Think of it as an internal note or reminder.
Select a customer portal (JSM project) → Project in which : Choose the project where the shop will be applied to.
Select a request type → Request type that is : The request type associated with the shop. Click Clicking on the selected this request type within in the project will open a offer the shop catalog.
Currency → Currency for the : Select the desired currency for items in the shop . Select desired currency from the dropdownlist dropdown list of currencies supportedsupported currencies. You can leave it empty if you don't want to use prices for products.
AQL filter → Define : Apply an AQL filter that will be applied to the entire catalog
Item limit → Configure the amount of items that can be selected and added to the cart for the catalog
Configure Catalogs
Click on the “Customize catalog” , and follow next steps:
to limit or customize the items shown.
Require products in cart to create support tickets: If enabled, it won’t be possible to create a support ticket when the shopping cart is empty.
Item limit: Limit entire catalog to a number of selected items per request. Leave empty for unlimited.
This ensures the catalog is set up properly for your specific needs.