#6 Configure User Profile

#6 Configure User Profile

User Profiles are where employees can share their skills, expertise, and other key details. Cosmos and Confluence admins customize what goes into profiles. They choose which fields from the Employee Database should be shown. Not all database fields will be visible, only the ones admins add and approve.

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Customize the user profile

  1. From your Confluence navigation bar, access Cosmos by selecting it from the Apps dropdown.

  2. Within Cosmos, proceed to the Profile area.

  3. Click on the edit icon located in the right bottom corner. A drawer will open, providing options to manage the Contact and Profile details section.

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  1. The Contact section determines the information displayed under the user's profile image. Email addresses are automatically shown under the name but can be toggled off by admins.

  2. Social links are optional and displayed on the bottom of the Contant section. Admins can choose which social media links to make available for users to add to their profiles, allowing for flexibility in how users can connect.

  1. In the Profile Details section, admins decide which fields from the Employee Database should be displayed on the left and which should be on the right side of the profile. It is important to note that a field cannot be repeated; each selected field from the database can only appear once in the profile layout.

The user profile layout admins define here will apply to all user profiles.

Ensure all team members complete their user profiles on the Cosmos intranet for Confluence. Share the profile link across your internal communication channels, urging users to fill it out. Once updated, their details will automatically integrate into the employee database.