Details view

The strength of Jira Assets lies in its detailed attributes, enabling a rich representation of products. In setting up the details view within Shoppie, administrators have the opportunity to utilize these attributes for each product category.

Name, Price and Short description are defined in the Configure tab. Read more here.

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By selecting each placeholder, new configuration options will appear on the right side.

Add to cart → Clicking on the ‘Add to cart’ button will open a text field on the right side. Using the text field the text of the button can be changed to better suit your needs

Attributes → Attributes selected from Jira Assets play an integral role in shaping the details screen within Shoppie. For instance, when setting up a placeholder for "CPU", administrators would choose the corresponding attribute from Jira Assets that represents the asset's CPU or Central processing Unit. In essence, these selections allow for a tailored product presentation by drawing directly from the defined attributes in Jira Assets.

Label → If the attributes name doesn’t fit to product details name, admin can change it using “Label” entry.

By clicking on the Apply to button users can copy the configured detail view to other categories.