Secure Fields

Secure Fields

Secure Fields custom field offers secure text, number, and date fields, similar to standard Jira fields. Admins can set view and edit permissions during the creation. Users without permission will see a message indicating they can't view or edit the hidden information.

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Secure Fields are available in the JSM portal. For a list of supported fields and setup instructions, please visit Fields in Jira Service Management (JSM) Portal.

Create and configure the custom field

To create and configure the Secure Fields custom field, you must be logged in as a user with Jira Administrator permissions.

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  1. Go to AppsManage appsFields

  2. Click on Create custom field button on the right side of the screen.

  3. Select Secure Fields and click Next.

  4. Name and add a description to your field then click Next.

  5. Select a field type (Text, Number of Date) and give View/Edit permissions to users, groups, project roles, reporter or assignee, then click Next.

  6. Associate the field to the appropriate screens and click Create. You must associate a field to a screen before it will be displayed

  7. In the issue and create views, users will receive appropriate messaging if they lack view or edit permissions.

  8. In the issue and create views, users will receive appropriate messaging if they lack view or edit permissions.

Limitations in Fields Secure Fields

In the Issue Navigator (Filters → View all issues), secure fields won’t work as expected due to an Atlassian limitation that bypasses permissions. To protect privacy, secure fields show as "Map of 1 Element" here. See more limitations here.